About Me

I am the mother to 6 children and former foster mother to 2. I am passionate about whatever it is I am passionate about, until I change my mind. I dream big, plan big, and once in a while I even make it big. We are planning to take our freak show on the road. Join us as we embark on a new adventure!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I stumbled upon this Shaw's deal at Deal Finding Mom and had to go check it out for myself.

I bought everything in a few different transactions so that I could "roll" the free money they kept insisting on giving me. In total I paid $17.00 for everything in the picture (and a cap gun and 6 pack of flavored water not pictured). I left the store with all this loot and I still have $15.00 in free money left.

3 Golden Grahams
18 boxes of Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa
8 Betty Crocker Cake Mixes
8 Better Crocker Frosting
9 Healthy Choice Soup
2 Knorr Side Plus Veggies
6 Knorr Side Rice Dishes
5 Lipton Onion Soup
10 Betty Crocker Garlic Mashed Potatoes
2 Green Giant Green Beans in Butter
2 Large Ziplock containers

Seventeen dollars!!! The price of these items ON SALE would be over $100. Regular price would be over $300!

I love couponing. Hot cocoa anyone?


I went back and did another transaction (or ten). I brought a friend and we had so much fun. It was far better entertainment than a box of popcorn and a movie!

What did I buy this time?

3 Chex Cereal
10 Betty Crocker cake mix
10 BC hash brown potatoes
16 BC cookie mix
4 BC frosting
2 Foil
1 Pillsbury cookies
1 Archway cookies
6 Healthy Choice soup
2 Progresso soup
10 Ragu Pasta Sauce
6 Swiss Miss Dark Cocoa
6 Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate Cocoa
12 Lipton Pasta Sides
3 Gold Medal Unbleached Flour
5 Bananas (kept right by the checkout and make a great "filler" item, one banana at a time!)
1 Blue Cheese Dressing
$15 in "free money" still remaining

And not pictured are 12 boxes of Gogurt and 17 bags of Green Giant Veggies because they needed to get right into the freezer.

I was going to tell you my total expense this trip, but I think it will be more fun if you first try to guess. This is what I make Gary and the kids do whenever I go shopping; they guess too high and I excitedly yell out the right amount.

So how much do you think I paid for all of this?

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