About Me

I am the mother to 6 children and former foster mother to 2. I am passionate about whatever it is I am passionate about, until I change my mind. I dream big, plan big, and once in a while I even make it big. We are planning to take our freak show on the road. Join us as we embark on a new adventure!

Friday, September 12, 2008


A little while back CVS had bandaids for free. Better than free, in fact they paid us to take them.

When we opened one package we found that some of the bandaids were black. It was really strange, so Gary called corporate to inquire. He was told to return them to the store for a replacement, and as an apology they would be placing $3 in ECBs on his card. Free bandaids plus more free bandaids plus $3 free money. Sweet.

Today the FedEx guy arrived with a package for Gary. Inside was a letter of apology from the manufacturer stating that they have corrected the problem and changed the way they do quality control to ensure that it never happens again. Along with the note was another box of bandaids, and a big honking bag filled with bandaids as well.

Dear Bandaid People,

You are forgiven.


You can let it go now.

Thanks for the bandaids.



Martha said...

Ah, there's nothing like good customer service.

I love, love, love your blog. You are so funny. I laugh at every post. Well, every post that is supposed to be funny. Have a great weekend!

Jenni said...

Hilarious! Thanks for the giggle this morning...