About Me

I am the mother to 6 children and former foster mother to 2. I am passionate about whatever it is I am passionate about, until I change my mind. I dream big, plan big, and once in a while I even make it big. We are planning to take our freak show on the road. Join us as we embark on a new adventure!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I use cloth diapers. I like cloth diapers. It has even been said that I am addicted to cloth diapers, and I have to admit, that might be true. OK. It is true. I have an (unhealthy?) love of cloth diapers. There. I said it. I LOVE CLOTH DIAPERS!

When we went away for the weekend I didn't want to scare our hotel-mates, and the idea of not totting diapers and thinking about what cover I wanted to reach for seemed appealing. I picked up a package of name brand fancy pants paper diapers to bring with us.

At first I really enjoyed the ease of using them. They were all the same. I didn't have to think before reaching for them, and I didn't have to bring them back home with me. It was neat. Then the poop came. And. Ugh. Right up the baby's back.

The first time it happened I thought that it was an unfortunate accident and dutifully changed her entire outfit. Then it happened again. Poop, outfit change. And again. And again. Every poop necessitated a new outfit. And the really great part is that baby poop doesn't just "wash out" in the machine. Oh no. Baby poop requires chemicals and friction before it will go away. Ugh.

Today, in a cloth diaper she pooped. And it leaked. Not onto her clothing, but onto the cover, a part of the diaper. (This means the diaper cover combo worked exactly as it should!) Normally I find this annoying because it means that I can't reuse the cover before washing, but it was a heck of a lot better than a complete outfit change.

My point is this. Anyone who gripes that the cost of washing diapers (in terms of environmental impact) outweighs the cost of manufacturing and disposing of paper diapers is all wet (pin intended)* because they are not calculating the cost of washing all those poopy baby clothes.

I guess using paper diapers is just like dressing the baby in a cloth diaper from head to toe.

That's funny!

*That was supposed to say "pun" but since I'm writing about cloth diapers I think that pin is far more appropriate! tee hee

The end.


Tudu said...

I have never had that trouble or heard of it as an ongoing issue, perhaps the error is in the pooper? I know she is young but is it possible she doesn't like the outfits Mom is choosing and her only way to communicate her dislike is to let you know in her own way? Like this looks like poop on me. I would suggest asking her what she wants to wear and see if it doesn't stop, it could all be the simple fact she far more advanced fashion wise than you.

Yondalla said...

I'm a cloth diaper woman myself, but I think the problem was that you didn't get those disposables on tight. It is amazing how tight you have pull before.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who gripes that the cost of washing diapers (in terms of environmental impact) outweighs the cost of manufacturing and disposing of paper diapers is all wet (pin intended)* because they are not calculating the cost of washing all those poopy baby clothes.


Anonymous said...

Oh I remember those poops. We called them "blowouts". And they would go all the way up the back. I never knew that it would not happen with cloth diapers. Nothing stains like baby poop. Ick.