About Me

I am the mother to 6 children and former foster mother to 2. I am passionate about whatever it is I am passionate about, until I change my mind. I dream big, plan big, and once in a while I even make it big. We are planning to take our freak show on the road. Join us as we embark on a new adventure!

Friday, August 08, 2008


Please, please, please...someone send some sunshine!

It has been raining for most of July and all but one day of August. It's wet and chilly. Little people cannot play outside and big people cannot plan fun outings.

We attempted to pick raspberries, but the plants are all dying due to lack of sun (We did get some blueberries for a jamming session, but we paid for them in dry clothing).People are getting moldy. It's dark and dreary. What happened to the global warming? Still, I think an ark is in our future. Sigh.

I am grateful for my warm dry house. I'm so glad that we are not camping.

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