About Me

I am the mother to 6 children and former foster mother to 2. I am passionate about whatever it is I am passionate about, until I change my mind. I dream big, plan big, and once in a while I even make it big. We are planning to take our freak show on the road. Join us as we embark on a new adventure!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I took the boys out shopping this morning as they have a birthday party to attend this afternoon, and while we still don't know the actual time of the party, or whether they will be picked up or if we need to drop them at the fun park, we needed a gift. I actually had a long list of things I needed to pick up so I figured we could get it all done in one outing.

We started in the electronic department as the boys wanted to buy their friend a video game. After picking it out I was made to wait in line to pay for it there. I wasn't even allowed to hold it until I paid for it...geesh. But I decided to check out all the items in my cart to avoid waiting in line again. On our way out of the store I noticed that the clearance display had some bowls marked down to 10 cents, and if we buy a trailer (yeah, right!) we will need bowls, so I grabbed them and we waited in line at the self check out. I was fully prepared to be strip searched because even I can admit that spending 60 cents at the self check and walking out with many bags is suspicious. As I was paying Joshua remembered that he needed a dictionary, so we waited while he ran around the corner to grab one.

The minute I was done paying I remembered that we came here for plastic bins. See, the food order came yesterday and even though we only received 28 or the 50 cases we ordered, we are COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED with food and needed to buy another freezer yesterday, and so the need for bins. The boys only rolled their eyes at me as we headed over to the bin aisle. Finding the right size is no easy task made harder when your children are teasing you. I lost my tape measure no less than twice during the process. Finally I had my freezer bins and we headed back up to check out. Again, upon completing the payment I remembered that I also need pantry bins, so we would need to go back again. This time I was very quick and didn't even measure, just grabbed a few bins and hoped that they would be what we needed. I handed them to Joshua to keep them separate from the paid bins. We made our way up and paid again. This time we went through the quick check just to shake things up. Security must have already been all over us because the cashier didn't even question the many bins that I was not offering to pay for.

Finally we made it out the door with the boys now teasing me about my "darn placenta!". When we got to the car I noticed that no one grabbed the covers to the bins but I was laughing so hard at the prospect of going back a 5th time that I opted to just forget them lest I wet myself in the process of trying to retrieve them. Plus the way I figure it, forgetting the covers was TOTALLY Joshua's fault because I handed them to him and he doesn't have a placenta.

Four receipts within 30 minutes. That's impressive.


Tudu said...

You are so much better that I am, if we get to check out and don't have it then it stays at the store. Period. It does help that I am obsessed with lists and marking them off.

Daisy said...

I'm so glad you could laugh! I might have cried, although I know I would have been laughing through the tears.