About Me

I am the mother to 6 children and former foster mother to 2. I am passionate about whatever it is I am passionate about, until I change my mind. I dream big, plan big, and once in a while I even make it big. We are planning to take our freak show on the road. Join us as we embark on a new adventure!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

EAT CRAP AND BE HEALTHY (or at least have fun)

Noah and I were at the grocery a while back and he asked me to buy this.
Being the good mother that I am I of course told him. "No way!" Citing good heath for my refusal. Those things are loaded with sodium and fat. But then, we noticed this:FREE bowling? Bowling is healthy. In fact I keep hearing about what a great winter "sport" bowling is. We like to bowl, and we like free, so I jotted down the website.
It turns out that our local bowling alley is a participant. WOO HOO! We like to bowl, but we don't bowl much because it is so darn expensive. But this whole meal costs only one dollar.

Yup, $1.00 will buy you chicken strips, fries, a fudgy brownie, AND a string of bowling. The coupon itself would be well worth the $1, and then you get free dinner for your kids too! I'll admit, I like the salisbury steaks variety, and they are pretty low cal as far as frozen meals go. We have been using these coupons like they are going out of style. They are in fact going out of style...they expire in May, so hurry up! Feed your kids some crap, then take them bowling to keep them healthy!

Head over to WFMW for some more great tips!


Shari Ellen said...

Hilarious. It sounds like a good deal though. Thanks for telling us.

Niki Jolene said...

I found this out last month and we've been buying away!

Great find! You can't beat free bowling!


Katz said...

I've got a stack of those from Hubby's lunch! We're ready to go bowling!

Britni said...

If you live anywhere near a Bowl America, they give out free games for A's (or 1's) on report cards if you have school kids. I ended up getting like 50 free games one summer!

Jodi said...

LOL - love your title! too funny! we just got a Wii so we've been bowling away with it and loving every minute of it...especially not smelling smoky when we're done!

Anonymous said...

We got these when they were on sale for .58 cents each and then noticed that the free bowling games were on them...We werexcited. I had bought 10 of them for last minute meals....We worked it out and had a bowling outing during the day with another family. We had a blast. All we had to pay for was the shoes...It was great, cheap, and worked for us too.
Good job Mom!
