About Me

I am the mother to 6 children and former foster mother to 2. I am passionate about whatever it is I am passionate about, until I change my mind. I dream big, plan big, and once in a while I even make it big. We are planning to take our freak show on the road. Join us as we embark on a new adventure!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I was going to write a funny post about our day yesterday with the FORTY EIGHT chickens. It was a blast.

When we went to divide up the chicken there were a few missing. No biggie, someone picked two chickens into one bag a couple of times. It happens. But then, I get this forwarded to me. It's an online article from the local paper. Just let me profess my innocence in advance.

Our Town — A store clerk became alarmed early this morning after a very tall person wearing sandals and a full-length, yellow chicken suit walked into the Name of Store on FamousPerson Road, police said.
The person reportedly entered the store and just stood there for a few moments without speaking, then began walking toward the beverage coolers.
When a clerk asked the person to remove the chicken mask, the person placed his hands on the mask, pulling it down as if to say, “I’m not taking off my mask,” said Our Town Deputy Police Chief.
The incident unfolded just before 1:30 a.m., police said. The clerk noticed a red car driving around the parking lot. The person in the chicken suit got out of the car and the car sped away, temporarily out of sight.
The clerk told police the chicken person stood about 6 feet, 4 inches tall, with brown sandals and blue jeans visible beneath the feathers.
After the encounter with the clerk, the chicken person quickly walked out of the store and got back into the red car, which drove off toward Nearby Town.
A man who answered the phone at the Store later this morning said he was not allowed to comment on the incident.

At the very least we know what happened to the missing chicken.

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